This morning, my seminary class and I decided to try having a no junk January. We agreed not to eat any candy, pop, fast food or anything that we considered junk food for the rest of the month. I'm excited about this because I'd already decided that, after the great but questionable food that comes with the holidays, I need to take a break. I have cookies in my lunch today, but they are the hundred calorie pack kind so they don't count.
I wonder what the world would be like if we all tried out a no junk January. Okay, I know there would probably be some economic crisis because noone would be spending money on all that food, but after the initial shock, people would probably enjoy being a little bit healthier.
Maybe, after finding out how nice it is to go without junk in one area, people would decide to try a no junk January of a different kind. Maybe people would review some of the music they listen to and some of the tv shows they watch. Maybe people would check what kind of junk they say about one another and edit the language they use. Maybe people would be more honest.
My seminary teacher says that junk food is like an addiction and that going without it for a month clears the system and will help you want to eat less of it. Maybe that's the way it is with all junk. Maybe if people decided to go without junk for January, they might find that they don't want to go back. Maybe a no junk January could clear an entire life or a whole world of lives.